Media Release: Major public lighting upgrade for Moorabool Shire

17 May, 2020

Work has begun on a major upgrade of public lighting in the Moorabool Shire, with electricity distributor Powercor changing almost 2,000 streetlights to more modern, energy-efficient and cost-effective technology.

Street lighting is one of the Moorabool Shire’s largest energy uses and the three month upgrade of lights in Bacchus Marsh, Ballan and surrounding areas to LED lanterns is expected to save the council millions of dollars in maintenance and energy costs over the next decade.

Moorabool’s newer LED lanterns use 80% less energy than the older-style mercury vapour lights, emit a better light and will save 14,149 tonnes of CO2 emissions over a 20 year period.
That’s the equivalent of taking about 3,000 cars off the road for an entire year.

Powercor connects, maintains and manages 180,000 streetlights for the Victorian Department of Transport as well as local councils, including Moorabool Shire.

Powercor public lighting manager Noel Twyman said Powercor ensures lights across the network are operational and safe, replacing or repairing older lights as they fail with more efficient alternatives.

“In the case of Moorabool Shire, undertaking a bulk replacement is an efficient way of generating a greater benefit faster,” Mr Twyman said.

“We’ve been progressively replacing lights with more efficient alternatives for our customers.

“In 2019, 57% of all public lights on our network were efficient alternatives, with more than 71% of these in minor roads.”

Moorabool Shire Mayor David Edwards said the new lights were a prudent financial decision for the council.

“These LED lights not only will provide lower costs, lower energy consumption and lower greenhouse emissions,” Cr Edwards said.

“They also provide better lighting, including lower glare, better colour and visibility.”

“Currently, the street lights cost 437% more in electricity compared to these new LED lights, which will save our region $134,000 annually on maintenance and energy costs.”

Powercor’s proposal for public lighting services for the 2021-2026 regulatory period reflects customer preferences for a rapid move to more efficient light alternatives.

For information about Powercor’s submission for the next regulatory period visit:

Anyone who notices a fault with their street light should make a report online or by calling Powercor on 132 412.