If you’re ready to join the thousands of Victorian households reducing their bills and environmental footprint with solar, we’re here to support your journey.

The greatest benefits from having rooftop solar come from being able to generate the electricity you need for your home and lifestyle. If your solar system generates more than you can use, then this extra power may be exported into our network and shared with your community. You can receive a small rebate on your electricity bill for every kilowatt-hour of power you export.

Your five steps to solar success

1. Research and choose your installer

A great first step is to go to the myEnergy portal and review how much electricity you use and when you use it. That will help you understand your household’s daily patterns of use and consider your habits and needs – for example, whether you want your solar set up to operate independently if the power goes out, or if you use a lot of electricity at night and should consider a battery.

You can then take this information to your installer and it will help them recommend a system that suits your needs. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to solar, and a larger system won’t necessarily give you a better return. Take the time to ask your installer lots of questions.

When choosing an installer, we recommend going to the Clean Energy Council website to check they’re accredited and comply to service standards.

Emergency backstop minimum demand events

From 1 October 2024, new and upgraded rooftop solar systems will be able to be remotely reduced or stopped if there is an excess of energy in the network.

Other things to consider

Rebates and subsidies

You may be eligible for a rebate to reduce the upfront cost of installing solar panels. The Victorian Government provides information about rebates and eligibility on the Solar Victoria website.

The Energy Consumers Australia website also provide information and resources to help to choose the right solar system to suit your household’s needs.

Maintaining your solar system

Basic maintenance
Undertaking regular maintenance will ensure your solar panel system is operating safely, correctly and efficiently. There are two main things you’ll need to do each year to maintain your solar panels and ensure your system is operates safely and effectively.
  1. Keep them clean by removing any build-up of dirt and grime (refer to the manufacturer’s guide)
  2. Follow the regular maintenance schedule that your installer provided.
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Track your solar data on myEnergy

Register for our free myEnergy service to see how much energy your solar panels are exporting and how much energy you are consuming from the grid.

Documents and resources

    Solar pre-approval requirements

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