Site chosen for new infrastructure to support Ballarat region’s growth

27 November, 2023

A $2 million community benefits package will be rolled out as part of a plan to build a new zone substation in Ballarat East, electricity distributor Powercor announced today.

The $30 million zone substation that will help keep power reliable for the growing city and surrounding region will be located at 203 York Street, Ballarat East, a site owned by Powercor.

Powercor has today notified residents living near the site about the decision and has released information on how it is addressing concerns raised during early community engagement.

Residents have been invited to co-design the facility’s external features, including fencing, paint colours, lighting and plantings, and to provide input into how the community benefits package is invested.

Over coming weeks, consultation will be conducted with Ballarat East residents to discuss a package of benefits for both individuals and the broader community. Options include:

  • a payment for direct neighbours of the site;
  • a rooftop solar fund to support local people to install solar and reduce electricity bills; and
  • investments in parks and recreational areas within the community.

Artist impression of Ballarat East Substation showing nature inspired motifs on a multi-level orange-brown fence with people walking past.

ARTIST IMPRESSION ONLY: An example of how the exterior of the Ballarat East zone substation may look. Residents are invited to contribute to the design.


Powercor Head of Network Planning Andrew Dinning said extensive investigations into flooding, noise and other concerns raised by local residents had been undertaken as part of the detailed decision-making process and as alternative sites were considered.

“We know this news will be disappointing for some people in the neighbourhood but we genuinely want to work with the community as we plan and build this new facility,” Mr Dinning said.

“This zone substation is critical to supporting the city’s growth and keeping power safe and reliable, particularly as more people electrify their homes and transport.

“Through the community benefits package, we hope to make a positive contribution for people neighbouring the development site and build a lasting legacy.”

In addition to the two existing zone substations servicing the city, the Ballarat East facility will ensure the network has the capacity to supply increased demand for electricity, support the operation of important bushfire safety devices protecting a wider region, and enable greater power reliability in the case of extreme weather events.

Powercor evaluated a range of sites before selecting York Street as the location offering the greatest benefits at the lowest cost for all customers.

In particular, its central location within the existing electricity network will service around 14,400 homes and businesses in an area spanning to Buninyong, Elaine, Daylesford, Skipton, Clunes and Lexton.

In response to community feedback, Powercor will:

  • Place the transformer in a noise-absorbing enclosure and locate it on the site’s east.
  • Conduct ongoing noise monitoring to ensure the site meets acceptable standards.
  • Incorporate large drainage and flood mitigation measures into the site’s overall design to reduce the risk of the site and nearby properties being affected during major rain events.
  • Retain the connecting walking path on the eastern side of the property.
  • Conduct a flora and fauna assessment to ensure we minimise any impacts on nearby wildlife.
  • Engage with the local traditional owners, Wadawurrung, during the planning and construction to ensure cultural heritage considerations are respected.
  • Feature a new Rapid Earth Fault Current Limiter to reduce the risk of powerline-related bushfires for the wider community.

Two community information sessions will be held to provide residents an opportunity to hear more about the project. These sessions will allow interested residents the opportunity to talk directly with Powercor representatives, participate in planning for the site, and learn more about the community benefits package.

The sessions will be held on:

  • Saturday, 2 December from 10am-1pm and
  • Wednesday, 6 December from 4pm-7pm at the Sovereign Park York Conference Room, 223 Main Road, Ballarat.

There’s no need to register.

For more information on the project or to help shape the project visit the Ballarat East Zone Substation project page.

To help shape the project visit