Update on power outages in western Victoria and Kensington – 15 October at 11.45am

15 October, 2022

Powercor is continuing to monitor water levels and conduct flood mitigation activities around critical electricity infrastructure in Mooroopna and Charlton as the Goulburn and Avoca rivers continue to rise.

At the Charlton zone substation, a levee is in place, we’ve previously raised equipment at the site, critical assets have been sandbagged and we have pumps ready to use.

At Mooroopna, our crews are finalising work on a levee, with sandbagging and pumps also ready to being used.

If significant flood water does reach either of the substations this may pose a major safety risk, so we may need to de-energise them to protect the community and reduce the risk of long-term damage to infrastructure.

If we do need to take this action, customers may be without power for a prolonged period as we will only be able to re-energise the site when water has receded and it is safe to do so.

We are asking customers to plan ahead and know what they would do if power did go out.

Charlton zone substation supplies power Birchip, Charlton, Boort, Wycheproof, Watchem, Wedderburn, Korong Vale, Quambatook, Berriwillock, Culgoa, Sea Lake, St Arnaud, Donald and surrounding towns.

Mooroopna zone substation supplies power to Tatura, Mooroopna, Ardmona, parts of Shepparton, Kialla, Haston, Murchison, Dhurringile, Rushworth and surrounding towns.

We are working closely with emergency agencies and local authorities as this flooding emergency continues.

Meanwhile, power has been restored to most customers across western Victoria and Melbourne’s inner suburbs following this week’s storms.

About 9.30pm last night, power was safely restored to more than 1100 customers Kensington after flood waters receded around some electrical assets along Dynon Road. Eighteen customers remain off supply this morning, as further inspections and repairs continue. Temporary supply is being organised for 15 customers, while the remaining three customers are expected to have power returned by mid today.

Advice on preparing for power outages is available here
Advice on preparing for floods and what to do if you are impacted by flooding is available here.