The Derrimut Network Upgrade Project is building more capacity in the electricity network to support the residential and commercial growth in the wider region. Our works include upgrades to the Truganina Zone Substation as well as the installation of a new high voltage (HV) network to support our commercial customers.
This upgrade will help us to continue delivering electricity with 99.97% reliability.
The Project
Works are scheduled to commence October 2020 with completion due in early 2021.
Construction activities will take place across two fronts as part of this project:
- Upgrade works at the Truganina Zone Substation located at 147 Derrimut Drive, will mostly take place inside the substation and will have minimal impact to the wider community.
- We also will be installing a new HV customer connection, including overhead powerlines and underground power cables across Derrimut. The work front includes parts of the Western Freeway, Davis Court, Paramount Blvd, Castro Way, Mount Derrimut Road and Australis Drive.
Construction activities will be staged to minimise disruptions where possible.
What to expect during works
- There will be some planned outages during works. Any customers affected will be notified prior to outages.
- Works will be conducted on existing overhead powerlines and also involve installation of new power poles.
- Underground cable installations will require digging of parts of the road and nature strip.
- There may be times where we are required to interrupt drive way access to adjacent businesses while we complete works. We will work directly with any of the affected businesses.
- Equipment used across the works fronts include excavators, borers and vacuum suction trucks – some of this work may be noisy.
- Traffic controllers and signage will be in place to help motorists, pedestrians and cyclists remain safe in changed road conditions.
- On completion of these works, any disturbed areas will be reinstated.
- The majority of works will be conducted during the day however some night works will be required.