Shepparton Network Upgrade – Shepparton Hospital Redevelopment

  • Project type
  • Current stage
  • Project duration
    Feb 2023 - June 2023

Powercor will increase the capacity and security of Shepparton Hospital’s power supply as well as improve the Shepparton local surrounding network to support more domestic rooftop solar, electric vehicles and other technology as part of a major electrical infrastructure upgrade.

Project Outcomes

The Shepparton Hospital Upgrade is building more capacity in the electricity network to enable the Shepparton Hospital Redevelopment and improve the security of supply to this critical piece of Shepparton’s infrastructure.  As well as providing the backup and higher capacity connection, this upgrade will help us continue delivering electricity to the region with 99.99% reliability.

The works involve creating a back-up connection from a separate zone substation, which means the hospital will be able to run at full capacity even if a major outage occurs on one part of the network.

The upgrade will also assist in strengthening the network for homes and businesses in Shepparton, improving reliability for customers and support the rise in electrification across the energy sector, as more customers invest in solar, electric vehicles and other electric items.

Works are funded as part of the Victorian Government’s Goulburn Valley Health – Shepparton Hospital redevelopment with contributions by Powercor.


The Project

Works are scheduled to commence in February 2023 with completion in June 2023.

Construction activities will take place across various areas throughout the Shepparton including; Hawkins Street, Monash Street, Archer Street, Vaughan Street, High Street & the nearby surrounds.

Construction activities will be staged to minimise disruptions where possible.

What to expect during works:

  • There will be some planned outages during works. Any customers affected will be notified prior to outages.
  • Works will be conducted on existing overhead powerlines and also involve installation of new underground power cables.
  • Underground cable works will require digging of parts of the road and nature strip.
  • There may be times where we are required to interrupt driveway access to adjacent properties while we complete works. We will work directly with any of the affected customers.
  • Traffic controllers and signage will be in place to help motorists, pedestrians and cyclists remain safe in changed road conditions.
  • On completion of these works, any disturbed areas will be reinstated.
  • The majority of works will be conducted during the day however some night works may be required.