Safe and equitable workplaces

About usSustainabilitySafe and equitable workplaces

Health, safety and wellbeing

The health, safety and wellbeing of our people and the communities we operate within, is at the core of our values and remains our highest priority.

We uphold the value of ‘Live safely’ through everything we do. This includes ensuring high levels of psychological safety by providing an inclusive working environment where people feel valued, trusted, authentic and feel able to reach their full potential.

Our health and safety management system defines a broad range of initiatives which support all our people returning home safely every day. It includes:

  • Safe working procedures
  • Identifying hazards and risks
  • Learning from hazard reporting and incidents
  • Equipping leaders with resources necessary to promote safe behaviours
  • Development programs to build capability and address human factors that can lead to safety incidents.

Greater emphasis is now being placed on promoting mental health and wellbeing while maintaining our dedication to reducing serious and preventable safety incidents.

In addition, our Inclusion and Diversity Strategy is continually evolving through a focus on gender balance, Aboriginal engagement, flexible working conditions, cultural diversity, LGBTIQ+ inclusion and education, and advocacy for people with disability.

Satisfaction with these initiatives is tracked through the annual Employee Opinion Survey (EOS). New questions were introduced in 2021 to check satisfaction with both mental health and wellbeing programs and a series of 8 questions makes up our Inclusion and Diversity Index.

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